Dining Room
This room is enlivened by square tiles with a broad border of scrolls and the wooden ceiling, the panels of which have ornamental painting in rich colours, which can be dated to between the late 17th and early 18th century. Produced during more or less the same period, the furniture is composed of a cupboard, a half-commode, two console tables and a dining table, a longcase clock and a typically Portuguese group of chairs with seats and backs upholstered in carved leather.
Visitors’ attention will be caught by the rare cutlery box and pair of shakers made from Chinese porcelain, with coats of arms linked with the Mello Sampaio family of Baçaím (old Portuguese India), as well the extensive group of secular silverwork displayed here, including diverse typologies related to the table service, such as terrines and salvers of different kinds. Also on display are recipients designed specifically for exotic hot drinks, the consumption of which became more widespread during this period, including coffee pots and teapots.