Events News | 18 January, 2021

New period of confinement – Changes in services.

The Board of Directors of the Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva Foundation has determined to reduce face-to-face work for most of its employees and to institute work-from-home arrangements, in full compliance with the measures decreed by the Council of Ministers with a view to containing the pandemic.

The Board has also decided to close the Museum of Portuguese Decorative Arts while maintaining the activities of FressForma and the courses planned for MOBA open for now. The Board will constantly evaluate the situation and readjust these decisions according to the evolution of events.

Visits to the FRESS Workshops are suspended.

Always concerned with the well-being and health of its entire team, FRESS will continue to develop its normal activity within the limits of what it considers to be safe and prudent, endeavouring not to hinder the development of work in progress or the satisfaction of its clients.

For further information, please contact us at

New period of confinement – Changes in services.